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Organ Preludes
for free download

(to use with Bass Coupler)

I am not an organist. Not really. I am an experienced pianist who just knows how to turn the organ on, and I’m deeply indebted to whoever invented the Bass Coupler feature on the organ at my church. 










While it is fine to play hymns straight from the hymnal for prelude and postlude, it’s also a refreshing change to use hymn arrangements for variety. The following are simple hymn arrangements and original music appropriate for prelude or postlude in worship services. In an attempt to help pianists masquerading as church organists (like me), I have arranged these pieces in a way that uses the Bass Coupler setting instead of pedals.


















I regret that I’m not qualified to give suggestions for organ stops and settings. If you need help in this area I suggest that you reach out to other organists in your church congregation for help, or explore online resources.

Come, Follow Me
I Am a Child of God
I Feel My Savior's Love
I Need Thee Every Hour
Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee
Love One Another
Nearer, My God To Thee
There is a Green Hill Far Away
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