The music and arrangements of Lynne Perry Christofferson
MP3's available for listening
(The following mp3's are available as a courtesy for
musicians to get a basic feel for the songs. Most of the accompaniments have been embellished for recording
and do not represent the piano accompaniment
in the printed sheet music.)
*A Leap of Faith (solo or SSA)
*A Temple of the Lord (SSA)
*Another Shore (solo, funeral)
*Come to Jesus (solo)
*Ever in His Debt (solo)
*Every Faithful Pioneer (duet, not sacred)
*Family Ties That Bind (SATB, not sacred)
*Hallowed Ground (solo)
*Heavenly Father Sends Love to Me (children’s solo)
*How Great the Goodness of Our God (SATB, Easter)
*Keeping Sheep (Woman’s solo)
*Lead Me to the Tree (SSA)
*Little Seeds (children’s, not sacred)
*My Own Little Lamp (children’s)
*My Nest (solo)
*Oh How Lovely Was the Morning (familiar hymn text, new music, SSAA)
*Sisters, Arise! (SSA)
*Teach Me About the Temple (expanded version, w/bridge, key change,
3rd chorus, children/youth)
*The Things Jesus Asks of Me (original version, children’s, baptism)